
10 YEARS – A reason for celebration turns into a cause for inspiration!  

Ibiliti turns 10 this year! Generally, a momentous occasion like this is a reason to celebrate.

We’d love to have some bubbles with everyone and share precious moments face to face. However, with Covid-19 and all its restrictions, it made me rethink our need for celebration and replace the occasion with a touch of virtual inspiration.

As you know, a lot of behind-the-scenes grafting goes into guiding an organisation to profitability and sustainability. Over the past decade, in moments of reflection, the significant contributions by everyone around us have touched our hearts.

A cause for inspiration

A cause for inspiration sparkles with meaning for every team member, broker, supplier, client, and any other person who comes into contact with us.

I think of it as an inspirational opportunity to breathe new life and light into our organisation. It is almost like a matter of destiny to shine even brighter than we did in the past.

We were brainstorming in the office with ideas. A shooting star of inspiration lit up our imaginations. I could see the eyes of our team starting to light up. The whole notion nudged us to find a way to write our Company’s name in the stars.

There could be no better place to write Ibiliti than in the night sky watching over South Africa. We found this symbolic of how insurance guards the assets of the people and companies. Our team managed to find a register of stars in South Africa. We took matters into our own hands and found a way to literally write our name in the stars on our 10th birthday.

It was the cause of inspiration we were looking for to make this birthday special.

Writing our name in the stars led us to share these 10 inspirations with you:

  • “The brightest stars are those who shine for the benefit of others.”- Author Unknown
    A purposeful reminder for everyone in our business to remain true to our mission and serve a vast number of people. As we work to create light for others, we light our own way.
  • “We are a nation of communities…a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky.’’ – George HW Bush.
    Stars can only align if they shine together. As humans, we are not separate from anyone or anything.
  • “We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle.” – Marilyn Monroe
    For everyone, a call to look up and reach for the stars. It is the stars reflecting the light within our souls, allowing us to shine and be colourful.
  • “For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of stars makes me dream.” – Vincent van Gogh
    The circular motions of the stars activate our imagination and sense of wonder and creativity to discover how we can give our light to the world.
  • “Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder what makes the universe exist. Be curious.” – Stephen Hawking
    The sky is not the limit. We are! Expand and think bigger than your environment. The stars prompt us to ask quality questions to enrich our lives and the lives of others. Why I am here? What is the meaning of life?
  • “Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other stars.” – Beck
    Stars help us to remain objective and look at ourselves and others from a different point of view… We all have the power to change our perspective.
  • “The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    The darkest nights produce the brightest stars. There is no night without stars. Our challenges allow us to shine in the vastness of the universe and show the world what we are truly made of.
  • “It is not in the stars that we hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
    We often look for guiding lights externally to give us a sense of direction, but the map of our destiny is already coordinated and mapped out in our hearts.
  • “I won’t be a rock star. I will be a legend.” – Freddy Mercury
    Let your legacy extend beyond your life. One day someone will look at your life the same way you looked at the stars.
  • “Don’t wait for the stars to align, reach up and rearrange them the way you want. You create your own constellation.” – Pharrell Williams
    The stars are given to us, but the constellations we get to arrange. If we forget about all the constellations named in the twentieth century, I suppose we can create any picture we like. The imaginary lines we use to connect the dots are the stories we get to tell and connect with others.

Today Ibiliti’s story is the deep and profound appreciation for everything and everyone who inspired us to turn 10. We want you to know, your name is written in the stars right next to ours. Thank you for making us possible!

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