Stable policy structure for easy comprehension and adaptability.
Designed to address specific risks in the local market.
Personalised solutions for niche industries with relevant valuable benefits.
Accommodate personal lines coverage for business clients.
Sustainable focus on profitable niche segments to create portfolio stability.
Achieve regulated commission percentages for motor and non-motor policies.
Guaranteed swift approval for online submissions.
Excess Insurance
Excess Insurance
Excess Insurance
Excess Insurance
Excess Insurance
Excess Insurance
Excess Insurance
Clients experience cash-flow relief during a claim.
Real-time access to portfolio information.
Clients gain command over their insurance excess choices with flexibility.
Boost portfolio value seamlessly by enhancing insurance solutions for your current clients.
Enhance insurer relationships by diversifying risk by separately insuring the excess, fostering mutual profitability.
Ability to adjust excess amounts across different policy types.
Easy-to-understand terms for transparent communication and interpretation.
Tailored coverage options for client-specific needs.
The Advisor Alliance with Ibiliti serves with tailored, transparent, and valuable insurance solutions that meet the unique diverse needs of your clients across various industries.